
Our Team

We are a team of scientists, software engineers, and designers from labs and programs across the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), UCAR Community Programs and COMET (UCP/COMET). Inline with UCAR/NCAR/UCP's missions, we aim to leverage our collective expertise in Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) and cloud computing to lower the technical barriers to using cloud computing for NWP. We strive to enable accessible NWP to all communities, especially under-resourced communities with limited access to, or financial support for, high-performance computing and networking.

What is WRF Cloud

We know what you’re thinking, is this just another cloud-base weather forecasting service? Simply put, no, this is not a service, and we do not provide forecasts. We want to enable you to run your own forecasts leveraging all the perks of cloud technologies, without needing all the extensive expertise required for orchestrating the numerous cloud services and resources. We’ve put in the leg work to set up the complete framework, so you don't have to.

In the simplest terms, WRF Cloud is a self-managed software-as-a-service.

  • Software-as-a-service meaning that WRF Cloud is basically a large collection of code we put together to do all the orchestrating of cloud resources and services under the hood, with the end result being a tool that allows you to run and view WRF-based forecasts from a website.
  • Self-managed meaning you have complete autonomy over the system. The framework is installed on your AWS account. You have control to add and manage your own users, configure and launch your own forecasts, monitor and control costs. All we provide is the code (free!) to install and set up the system.
  • Still unsure? Check out the demo to get a feel for what this actually looks like.

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